Wild Plums in Northern New Mexico

There is a point in the season of Spring – right about in the middle – when we step outside and are engulfed with the scen

Narrative painting: A Golden Nugget

There are local legends about the Devil in Taos. He appears in plenty of places, even visiting folks in their homes but one of

The 2022 Holiday Show

This evening is the opening reception for the 2022 Parsons Gallery of the West Holiday Show and I have been busy making small

Big Landscape

About once a year I manage to complete a large-format landscape, and this year, I have finished just in time to let it dry and

Small landscape

“Houses Below the Mesa,” oil on panel by Melwell, 9×12 Available at Parsons Gallery of the West on Kit Carson

Paint drying on a few church paintings

Through the autumn I’ve been working on a series of paintings of the old Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Taos, New Mexic

New pieces drying

A couple of pieces have been in the works for a while, leaning against the wall or hanging, unframed and unvarnished on the wa

Color opposites are amped in autumn

Orange and turquoise! Yellow and purple! The very air is abuzz with all the rod and cone snapping of color opposites in the fa

Big Summer Show at Parsons

The event of the summer at Parsons Gallery of the West is planned for Saturday, August 7, at 5 p.m. All gallery artists have s

Fresh paint

I just finished a painting that began this summer as a sketch. When it became realized as a painting, I believe it is the same