Featured in “Western Art Collector” Magazine

I’m beside myself with excitement and may have to make some chamomile tea! Western Art Collector Magazine has featured m


We spend a lot of time considering “curb appeal” for our homes. There are television shows devoted in making a good impres

From the Foothills

There are views you see and you think, “By God! That’s gorgeous and I need to remember that so I can paint it!R

Mud Season

The view from our front door is so familiar to me, I sometimes forget how remarkable it is. That’s why I think it’

Hunters’ Return

This painting is an homage to one of my favorite painters of the Northern Renaissance period, Pieter Bruegel the Elder. When I

San Isidro (the saint, not the church)

In this painting, a farmer with a glowing halo is shown. Instead of seeing an angel hitched to a plow, which is a popular depi

The 2022 Holiday Show

This evening is the opening reception for the 2022 Parsons Gallery of the West Holiday Show and I have been busy making small

New pieces drying

A couple of pieces have been in the works for a while, leaning against the wall or hanging, unframed and unvarnished on the wa

Fresh paint

I just finished a painting that began this summer as a sketch. When it became realized as a painting, I believe it is the same


I am on a mission to simplify my painting. I have become swamped with details and everything has suffered. The paint was dull