“Return of the Procession,” oil on canvas panel by Melwell, 8×10

Inspired by a Gene Kloss composition. If you have not witnessed this event, you owe it to yourself to go just once.

“Witnesses,” oil on canvas panel by Melwell, 8×10

Inspired by a quintessential Gene Kloss composition, “Wind Cloud,” from 1934.

A Gene Kloss series

I have admired the work of Gene Kloss for years. I have also been a fan of the 1930s black and white graphic style of her era.

A bonded pair

You know how animal rescue shelters are often trying to adopt pairs that have become bonded together? These two paintings are

Song inspiration

There’s a song we sing in the Swing Dusters, the Western Swing Band I am in with Robert Parsons and a wonderful group of

Permission and persistence

Earlier in the week I posted about the persistence of vision of an idea with regard to planting seeds and making paintings. Ev

Perseverance and long-range planning

When we moved into our house in Lower Ranchitos, I tried a lot of things when it came to gardening and planting. Not a whole l

Magpie poses

The addition of a bird feeder to my usual springtime hanging of hummingbird feeders has led to invasion by a family of magpies

The Old Site of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Here’s another painting of a Northern New Mexico Church, the old site of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Church prior to it bu

An exciting new direction

Every once and a while I’ll pick up an art magazine and be really impressed with a painting I might see. Most recently,