Autumn colors around the corner

I love Spring. I love Summer, but don’t tell them … it’s Autumn that I love the most. You can probably tell

Spectral Shift

Shifting from realism to a shifted spectrum, I make up rules and stick with it. Red=shadow. Blue=highlight. Ramp down the deta

Like a shaggy dough

During the COVID-19 isolation, I’ve watched a lot of videos on how to make no-knead breads, soughdough breads, and flatb

The view from above

I have made a series of paintings that reflect natural shapes that humans create on the landscape – at least in our area. I


I am on a mission to simplify my painting. I have become swamped with details and everything has suffered. The paint was dull

Images from space

I have been looking at the work of Richard Diebenkorn as a way to abstract a landscape and I have found myself here: Painting

New Approach to Landscapes

My patron, Robert Parsons, suggested I look at the work of Leo Garel. I was already looking at Dasburg and Diebenkorn, so it w

From the Top of Tom Holder Road

There’s a road in Taos County off of State Road 240 called Tom Holder Road. It connects the highway with West Romero Road an

The Indolence of Isolation

Here is a new painting I’ve done during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine. It was a canvas I didn’t particularly care for,

Painting from the top of Tom Holder Road

There are dozens of places in the Taos area that have become favorite views for painters and photographers. One of them is the